Saturday 6 March 2010


So here's what my plot looks like now, with the afternoon sun streaming down on me. Notice the daffodils in the foreground, I dug them from the middle bed and replanted them in a line across the top of my plot, next to them is a line of raspberry canes and then the strawberries and rhubarb. The second bed was the weediest and was quite hard work to dig, I plan to use this for root vegetables. The third bed has wonderful soil and I have already put in a double row of broad beans. The fourth bed I dug today, clearing the old compost heap away, I didn't like where it was and it had many seedheads in it from all the flowers on the site, in fact it had allsorts in it, some half circle supports and netting that will come in handy at some point and rather a lot of crisp bags that won't.
While I worked the robin was hopping around me as usual picking out insects he wanted to eat when I noticed a fox coming down the path way toward me. I thought the fox might take fright and scurry away but it just trotted on right past me about two meters away and then walked through the middle of my plot. I tried to get my camera out but was too slow to get a picture of it.

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