Sunday, 27 May 2012

Hot beans

Suddenly scorching weather. It's been quite windy too, the broad beans are quite tall and some have been blown over. The first beans are almost ready to pick, I love the beans when they're small and sweet.

Six beans in a pod isn't bad, they're a beautiful bright shade of green when they're so young. I'll wait until next week end to do a proper harvest. Then I'll be away two weeks, I hope the other will be okay when I return.

My courgettes have gone into the ground, plants still quite small but I wanted them out of the greenhouse before we go away.

Yep, it's a parsnip! they seem to have done quite well this year unlike the cabbages that didn't germinate. I bought some cabbage plants from the trading hut, two pots for a pound that contained around eighteen decent seedlings which I potted up.

These are turnips which seem to have attracted some pests, I'll have to keep an eye on them. I also bought a few sweet pepper plants from the trading hut, I've never grown them before.

A few globes are forming on the artichokes, I counted only four in total. I really love them boiled and eaten with butter, I hope they get a bit bigger.

The thyme is in flower and looks very pretty, it would make an amazing repeat pattern don't you think?

The first ripe strawberry of the season, I ate it of course and it was delicious. I look set to have a bumper crop this year as long as the slugs don't get them.

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