Saturday, 5 May 2012

Rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb

There's a fine stick of the rhubarb. I didn't pick any last week end giving it a good chance to grow, and with all the rain it's done very well.

There's almost 2Kg of the stuff here, and plenty more to come.

This is the rhubarb bed after picking. Many people see to keep their rhubarb in corner or by the path, I like having a whole row of the stuff.

The potatoes have come on well as have the weeds. I was thinking of earthing them up but my time today was taken up with sorting out the seedlings. Slugs and snails have been running wild with the wet weather and munched quite a few of my babies. I took all the seedlings out, put down a lot of slug pellets and potted up a few new seeds where needed.

The second beans have become a bit weed infested but the soil is still rather damp for walking on so I'll have to tackle that problem later. The first beans suffered rather with the wind and quite a few have blown over, I surrounded them with string and canes to hold them up better.

What I thought were beetroot I have now decided must be turnips! The true leaves coming through have helped me to identify them.

So these tiny rather dark red seedlings must be the beetroot.

And I'm pretty sure that these are the first signs of the parsnips which have germinated reasonably quickly this year.

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