Such a long time since my last entry and so much has happened, sorry I've been to busy to post. a two week holiday in June isn't the best timing for the allotment but it has to be done. This bag of beans I picked before I went away.
Some pods held as many as seven beans! Shelling them takes ages and is hard work on my nails.
I've probably picked about a dozen of these tubs full now, each tub holds about 700g of beans. There are eleven tubs in the deep freeze and we've eaten a few beans already.
I had quite a tasty strawberry crop too, these are from the newer plants I put in last year. They have a really good flavour.
Yum yum!
The french beans aren't looking so hot right now. Quite a few had blown off their canes and I had to re wrap them, you always twist them anti-clockwise because this is the way they grow. I wonder if they grow clockwise in Australia?
The parsnips are doing well, really! I had to do a lot of careful weeding but the Turnips and beetroot have fared okay as well.
I put out some tomato plants before I went away worried that they'd dry out if I left them undercover. They've survived but are still really small, the few I did leave covered are much bigger and I need to plant them out as well now.
The potatoes are in flower, these ones are a pretty pale shade of blue.
Most of them are whiter like these above.
I have several big globe artichokes now. This plant has tulip shaped globes.
These are more traditional round artichokes but they're supposed to be the same variety.
I picked two which we ate for supper, despite the shape they were very tasty.
More beans, like green fingers reaching up. Some plants are so heavy with beans they've collapsed.
My very first patty pan squash, it's about the size of a fifty pence piece at the moment.
The courgettes are tiny, quite a few fruits have appeared but all really small so far.
And the yellow ones are even smaller, perhaps one cm long.
This might be my total crop of peas. Despite a double planting I've only got about six plants and this is the first pod on the only one that's in flower.
I dug my garlic up too. The foliage had died right back, the heads aren't that big but they weren't about to get any bigger.
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