Saturday, 24 September 2011

Jumbo courgettes

Cor what a whopper! A week away and the courgettes will play, came back home to two huge great marrows. I don't know what we will do with them? The green plants have many more courgettes to come as well but the yellow ones are giving up for this year.

I also picked my last patty pan squash. The plants had died back so I pulled them out to find this last squash still hanging on. I pulled out the tomato plants as well picking the last four fruit that hadn't got blight.

This year has seen a super abundance of raspberries, varying in shade from bright red to deep purple.

I picked an ice cream tub full of them and will probably put them in the freezer with the other two tubs I already picked.

The purple sprouting broccoli is beginning to sprout! It looks very pretty, we'll have to try it soon.

My cabbages are getting bigger and are also ready to start eating.

I picked most of the cobnut squash before I went away. There were two more barrel shaped squash growing on one plant when I got back. I pulled the other plant up as it had died back only to find another small squash on it.

It's the season for spiders and snails, hard to tell from the picture but this monster was about two inches across and living behind my watering can.

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