Sunday, 4 September 2011

Raspberry ripple

Last year I only picked about a dozen raspberries over the whole season. I was thinking about taking the canes out, they were something already on the plot when I started. I might change my mind now, not a huge crop but enough with more on the way to make it worth while having them.

Some autumnal strawberries are coming through as well. The plants have also sent out loads of runners with new baby plants on the ends. The strawberry patch will be much bigger next year.

I didn't have anymore french beans to pick and their foliage is turning brown but the plants are also in flower again so i guess there will be more beans yet!

A perfectly shaped cobnut squash, not too large but I picked it as it didn't seem to be getting any bigger. There are about six others growing altogether on the two plants.

This is an example of a plant two cobnut squash, a very different shape. It is a much bigger squash probably weighing over 2Kg.

They're quite pretty wen they are young green and stripy. This baby squash is only about 4cm long.

The undercover cabbages are doing fine but predictably the ones I left uncovered had been attacked by the birds, they really like cabbage. I've made a bit of a makeshift cover for them and I hope it'll do the trick.

I picked a few beetroot along with the usual courgettes and also collected a few more heads of garlic to take home. There's still an abundance of new potatoes before I get to the main crop but the tomatoes seem to have a bit of blight so not so many this week.

Finally the view over plot  68, it's been a good season in all and there's still quite a lot to come through the autumn.

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