Sunday, 2 October 2011

Hot beans

It's unseasonably hot in London. The guy at the neighbouring plot said it was 32ºC and had been hotter on Friday. Most things are over for this year now, still getting green courgettes but despite the heat the yellow ones are giving up the ghost. There were a few french beans left that have now dried out, I going to try and keep the seeds to plant next year.

I've put them in a brown paper bag to store them over winter. I hope this stops them being eaten or going mouldy. I've yet again picked a good half a tub of raspberries, they've done so well this year.

My purple sprouting broccoli has flowered. It looks very pretty but you're supposed to eat it before this stage - oh dear. The first cabbages are doing really well, quite a good size and well balled up this year. The seconds are quite as impressive, I bought some more pegs to keep the netting down and make them bird proof, I hope they recover over the winter.

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