Saturday, 30 April 2011

Hoe, hoe, hoe

Here's the main crop potatoes in a row, the plants are still only smallish, I'll earth them up when they get a bit bigger like I already have done to the earlies. It was a warm sunny afternoon but quite windy, some of the french bean plants I put out have taken a bit of a battering so I'll wait until the others are bigger before I put them in the soil. They're doing well in the greenhouse, six leaves already.

The peas are coming along nicely, the first ones are just beginning to wrap tendrils around the sticks I put out.

The tomato plants are getting a little bigger too, proper leaves developing, they've got a fair way to go before I plant them though.

Likewise with the courgettes and squash, none of the later seeds have come through yet but the first plants are getting bigger.

The artichoke is starting to push up through the centre of the plant, it looks a bit like an acanthus plant, I guess they're related somehow.

I also spent today planting some dwarf beans left over from last year directly into the soil around the compost bin and also potting up some nasturtium seeds. I then had a good hoe around all the vegetables to get rid of the weeds.

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