Friday, 22 April 2011

Hot on the plot

It was very warm and sunny today on the allotment. The first thing i did was go and check on the seedlings, they were all fine but I decided to repot a few things. Above is a broccoli plant with it's first true leaves, I split some of the pots where more than one plant had grown and filled in the the two pots the slugs had got to.

This tiny seedling is a tomato plant, there are ten in all that I transferred from a seed tray  into individual pots, to help them grow on better, it'll be a good while before they get planted out. I also potted some cabbages and gave the whole lot a good watering.

The potatoes are coming on well in the good weather and there is a clear row of the early plants.

Spot the difference? These are the main crop tatties.

Second peas are just beginning to show so I gave them a dose of bug killer so they don't end up with scalloped edge leaves like their older siblings. In fact I gave all the beans and peas a squirt of bug killer.

This is the bud forming at the centre of the artichoke, I hope to be able to eat it one day bit the plant isn't all that big so we'll have to wait and see.

The strawberries are covered in flowers at the moment, I hope I get a bumper crop.

Here's a bee going into a broad bean flower, they were buzzing about all over the place. I also strimmed the rest of the grass and then dug over the area by the compost heap, I need to plant something there to stop the grass growing back.

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