A mid week visit to the plot to make sure all was well with the wind and see how dry it was. The potatoes that I earthed up are pushing back out of the ground again, I was worried they might be buried a little too deep in places but they seem to be happy.
The artichoke has grown some more and there's evidence of two more buds growing on the same plant. I gave them and almost everything else a good watering. The plants in the greenhouse stay damp quite well apart from a few near the very front, it must get much hotter there.
Some tiny green strawberries, in fact there are loads of them. After watering I put one of the mesh tunnels over the plants to keep the birds off as the ripen. The rhubarb plants have fattened up again I think I could take another crop rom them this week end if I want to.
Raspberries are beginning to form as well, I guess i'll have to cover them at some point. The french beans I planted out early haven't enjoyed the weather at all, a couple have died and the others are looking a bit battered, by contrast those still in the greenhouse are doing really well and are twice the hight. The sunflower seeds I planted have germinated and so has the extra yellow courgette but nothing from the kobochas yet.
still small but the very first pods are forming on the broad beans I planted in the autumn. I haven't taken the tops off the plants yet but will need to do it soon to stop black fly infesting them. The plants aren't very uniform in hight but the tallest ones must be almost three feet high now.
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