Sunday, 27 June 2010

Hot plot

'Ninety' said said a voice while I was busy weeding, I looked up to see the old woman from the plot behind mine.
'The temperature, not my age' she cackled.
She was probably right, the sun was fierce today but all the vegetables seem to be enjoying it, the courgettes have come on leaps and bounds, the green variety have much bigger plants than the yellow ones but both now have flowers and I'm soon going to be inundated with courgettes!
I was at last able to pick some of my cut and come again lettuce leaves. They've spent the week under the net tunnel and that has kept those birds off. I then planted some more lettuce and some rocket in seed trays to grow in the greenhouse.
I decided to get some more tunnels so I could protect my cabbages as well. I asked at the association shop if they had any, they didn't but they did tell me I get a 10% discount at the garden centre up the road, I wish I'd known earlier. The garden centre is still expensive but's also convenient so bought two more tunnels. I decided the cabbages in the ground were too far gone and dug them up and replaced them with the last ten I still had in the greenhouse, they're are smaller but actually have leaves so stand some chance of growing.
I planted the last third of my radish row and was able to pick a dozen or so from the first third, they're still a little small but almost perfectly round. I also planted some more turnips at the end of the half leek row. 
I then had a big harvest of beans, there are so many of them right now, I filled a carrier bag with them. We'll have some broad beans with dinner and I also picked a few raspberries to have for pudding.
The rest of my time was spent weeding and watering, I want to get up to date as possible before I go swimming in Turkey on the 5th.

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