Saturday, 19 June 2010

Bean feast

Not the most flattering angle, here's Ptolemy picking some broad beans. Both Ptol and Nicole came down to the plot today and I put them both to work! Nicole got out the hoe and started working her way backwards down the plot narrowly avoiding the artichokes. Here she is in between the potatoes.
You can really see the difference between the two types in the picture above, Desiree on the right, Rocket on the left. The potatoes must have read my last post because since I was last on site a flower has appeared. This is on one of the main crop desiree plants, they're very pretty.
After Ptolemy had picked a bunch of beans we started to pod them, we couldn't help but try them too, they're still small and delicious raw, Ptolemy took some photos as we did this. Here are some beans in their furry pods.
Here's me crouching on the ground podding a few more. We'll eat the beans for supper tonight lightly fried with pancetta and some sage from the top of the plot. I also picked a dozen raspberries and a few strawberries, these will be nice on ice cream for tea.
Before the girls arrived I had my first go with the strimmer. I bought a cordless strimmer from argos for £39.99, probably not much more than a decent pair of edging shears would cost and a lot less effort to use. I used them for a bout 5 minuted before I noticed that the centre handle was the wrong way round! It was much easier to use them once I had turned it, it took about 20 minutes to give my borders a good trim and make the plot tidier - they wouldn't bee very good for much more than grass and weeds but were perfect for what I wanted.
I'm sure the courgettes will flower soon, there seem to be buds forming on most of the plants. The slugs have begun to attack some of the more tender plants, I realised the cut and come again salad has actually become eat and eat again slug food and the savoy cabbage seem to be a real treat for them. I'm not sure whether the nematodes have worked at all? so I bought some slug pellets this time and sprinkled them in the affected areas I hope this produces the required results.
Here are the shelled beans - yummy! and there's a whole load more where they came from.

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