A long time between posts but I have still been visiting the allotment so here are a few pictures of what's been going on. The jet stream we were told moved north at the end of July and so at last we had one hot sticky week which was just in time to set the courgettes off. Although the weather has since gone back to sunshine and showers I'm picking twice a week and we aren't quite eating them quickly enough. I made a courgette cake yesterday!
My other main crop is the french beans, nowhere near so prolific as last year but pretty with the three different colours I planted.
The yellow ones have the smallest harvest, they tend to be flat and rippled with only a pair on each fruiting spur.
The purple ones have done much better, quite long round beans that usually go on to produce even more from each spur. The purple flowers turn blue as they die off.
The green although the shortest are the most abundant and at times hang in great bunches. They are really the best but it was fun to try the other ones.
Intermittent crops of raspberries have been enjoyed with ice cream, I like to mash them up to make my own raspberry ripple flavour.
At last the tomatoes are a flower but I think some of the other plants may have a bit of blight. The potatoes also got leaf blight so I've started to dig them up. The potatoes themselves are okay but the harvest again is much less than last year.
This is a self seeded nasturtium which is growing on my compost heap. The seeds I planted both this year and last have quite yellow flowers but I prefer these intense orange ones.
The five broccoli plants I got from mum are in the ground, I planted my last few cabbages between them to make a row. A net to keep the birds off and a liberal sprinkling of slug pellets has helped protect them so far.
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