Saturday, 7 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Not much going on but the rent. It was time to pay membership again, the best £25 I'll spend all year!
Meanwhile the broad beans are coming on nicely, a healthy looking double row there. They're well in advance of last years effort, lets hope they produce as many beans.

A close up reveals the plants have about a dozen leaves already. I'll put a second planting in of them sometime later in February or March.

Not looking so happy were the broccoli plants, having been left uncovered they've been shredded by the birds and buffeted by the wind. I decided to pull them all up, although they're still producing purple sprouts they're very hard and woody and not good to eat. I won't grow them again this year.

The artichokes have fared much better with the mild winter so far. Lat year they were frozen back into the ground and I lost some of the plants. The remaining ones bounced back in the summer and we had a few globes to eat which were delicious. I might plant a few plants ones in the gaps this year.

The later cabbages are still rather small but they're soldiering on, it'll be at least a couple of months before I can eat them.

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