I didn't get to the plot over the past week due to the rain. Saturday was looking good until I arrived and the heavens opened once more. I only took a few pictures before it got too wet, then I sheltered in the shed playing Angry Birds on my phone until the battery died down. The strange shaped cobnut squash are getting bigger and sort of turning the right colour. Having left it a week there were quite a few courgettes to pick, two of which were more marrow sized. A few more patty pans had grown and I picked another couple of kilos of french beans.
Despite the rain the tomatoes keep coming, they're only small but I get a lot of them. Eventually the sun came out and I set about clearing the very overgrown main crop potato bed. I've still got loads of earlies but the main crop are ready to lift.
At the top of the plot it looks like the strawberries are going to fruit again. The main plants have sent out loads of runners for new plants but are also in flower. I guess I should cover them unless I want the birds to get the strawberries, and put down slug pellets. The raspberries are looking like they'll produce an autumn crop as well.
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