Goodbye courgettes, goodbye tomatoes, goodbye stringy old lettuce and wormy turnips. I've cleared out all the old things that were either over or had out stayed their welcome and then had a good dig. It's good to clear the ground and I can soon start putting in some new things or at least plan for next year. I rather like digging, there's something satisfying in turning the earth, I saw a lot of worms which is good and also a few strange grubs that I think might turn into beetles. My back aches a bit now.
The hollyhock and nasturtiums keep the shed company now all the vegetables are gone. The hollyhock is going to seed, someone asked me if they could take a seed pod off of it, I of course said yes but warned that they self seed everywhere, I'm always pulling them up even the small plants have roots perhaps three time their own height. The nasturtiums don't seem to know that autumn is well on it's way, they looking better than ever, that's just two plants by the shed.
The smoke of many bonfires was drifting across the allotments with a sweet smoky smell of various old plants being incinerated, the sun was behind high cloud but my camera seems to have picked it up as a purple glow in the trees.
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