Tuesday, 13 July 2010


I feared that a week away in hot weather and I'd come back to a parched desert, but I was wrong. Everything seems to have come on leaps and bounds. I had about thirty courgettes to pick, some radishes, new potatoes, onions, garlic and lots of herbs. There are a few broad beans that are still worth picking even though we have two tubs full in the freezer and the lone dwarf bean plant had about a dozen pods on it that I also picked - and a few more raspberries to boot!
Here's a big courgette! I had picked all I could before I went away so this must have grown in one week! Paul hadn't even eaten all that I picked last week so I had to take some to work and give them away. People see to like the yellow ones best - they are quite and extraordinary shade of yellow.
The kobocha have gone crazy sending out long tendrils and were getting all caught up in the raspberry net. I've taken the net down now even though there are more raspberries to come. They also have lots of flowers and on the tendrils there are little fruits beginning to form as above.
Tiny french beans are forming, note how the plants grew anti-clockwise up the canes. There's almost too much to eat right now and I don't want to waste anything. I didn't have anytime to water things but luckily it has rained today. Tomatoes are beginning to form on the plants and I really should give them a feed soon. Some of the main crop potatoes have formed fruits, I know these are very poisonous but I don't know if I should just leave them or pick them and dispose of them?

1 comment:

  1. Abundance indeed! How was Turkey - it'd be good to know for future reference.
