Sunday, 9 May 2010

First harvest

The months of hard work have finally paid off with not one, but two lovely radishes! In fact I ate a few, some with the mud still on them. What I was really doing was thinning out my radish row, I couldn't resist eating a few of the larger ones and took the couple seen here home, after trying one Paul said it was the most succulent radish he'd eaten all year, they're actually quite peppery.
The weeds are running riot over the plot and I spent most time hoeing and pulling them up, it is quite satisfying to clear a patch of weeds but I know they'll soon spring up again before I next visit. While weeding I found about a half dozen more potato plants that have sprung up, they seem to be in quite random positions, they're mostly still rather small and I have just left them to be for now.
The broad beans seem to have done quite well over the last week, they're about 25-30cm tall now and are just beginning to produce buds, my neighbours beans which are in flower are almost twice the height but seem to be a different variety to mine, and they had planted theirs in the autumn.
During the week I made it down to the plot one evening and devised  a way to secure the shed roof a bit better. There were holes in the roof so I wound some wire through them and bought it back down the inside wall and attached it to the frame in three places, I hope this will help.
Inside the greenhouse germination has begun. In the picture below the two trays at the top back have courgettes in them, the front left are savoy cabbages and the right are runner beans, on the lower level there are some french beans that have also sprouted.

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