Monday, 31 May 2010

Mostly weeding

I seem to have spent the last two days mostly weeding, but I'm really happy with how it's all looking now. The down side to a fully weeded plot is that the weeds will grow back and I might have weeded out the turnips and carrots, I say might because I didn't see any but they've been in the ground ages now without any signs of germination.
Along the top of the plot where I planted the herb seeds I weeded very carefully, I found about enough parsley for a small garnish and what might be a bit of sage but couldn't see anything else. I mage a trip to the garden centre and bout some slightly larger herb plants, I now have tiny examples of parsley, sage, oregano, rosemary, thyme and lavender - I hope they settle in and grow a bit.
As you can see in the picture above I bought a net for some of the strawberries, it's three metres long but doesn't actually cover a whole row, I thought it was worth getting because the first strawberries that I had mysteriously seem to have disappeared.

The potatoes see to have made a full recovery from the frost now, with lots of healthy looking new growth.
The white sticks to the right of the spuds  in the picture mark out the artichokes just about all of which have germinated, who knows if I'll ever get any globes.

I planted a third of a row of radishes having picked the last of the first lot last week, this time I'm going to try and delay the crop so they aren't all ready at once. SimilarlyI planted a third of a row of lettuce and a third of a row of rocket, these were both from free seeds that I picked up at work. Other free seeds I got were for basil so I planted some in pots and put them in the greenhouse.
The french beans I in the greenhouse really needed planting out so I also got some bamboo canes from the garden centre and made a little wigwam for them, the wigwam has seven canes and I had eight plants but two were rather small so I planted them out on the same cane, lets see what happens.
The courgettes that I planted out are now looking a lot happier, when i first put them in the ground they all seemed to wilt a bit and some of their leave got a bit scorched where I'd watered them but now they have new growth, I still have five other plants in the greenhouse and along with the three kobocha I had another one has germinated, I'll be able to plant them out soon as well.
I also planted out ten of my savoy cabbages, they don't seem very cabbage like yet as they are rather long and stringy, at what point do they ball up? In the germination tray I have about three hundred, so I've thinned them right back and kept them in reserve if this first lot don't make it, they didn't seem to like being transplanted too much.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Hot stuff

What a difference a week makes. The temperature has been well into the 80's for the last couple of days with bags of sunshine to boot. I've been away for the last week in Ireland where it wasn't nearly so hot and dry. The picture above is an 'after' shot of the plot, where it's a little tidier than how I found it. I've had to spend a lot of time cutting down the grass that was growing on the plot edges and also dealing with all the weeds. On the old tool box you can see some of the radishes I've picked for my dinner, we had them in salad last night and tonight I'll be roasting them - I need to pick and eat them before they get too hard and woody, I wish I had staggered the planting a bit or put some more in the ground already.
Here are some of the trays from the greenhouse the front one has savoy cabbages in it and the next two have courgettes, I was worried they may have dried out while I was away but as you can see they are fine. The courgettes have mostly five or six leaves now so I've planted out two rows of them, eight plants in each row - the book I read said that three plants are enough to feed a whole family, I hope I haven't over done it? The cabbages need to be a bit bigger before I plant them out. Three of the kobocha seeds have germinated andI think at least one of the others might which would be good.
The broad beans are looking splendid and buzzing with bees (spot the bee), no sign of black fly either. There are strawberries beginning to swell and most exciting the artichokes have germinated. Today I planted some fennel and some mixed salad leaves that were free from the BBC. Although I wore a hat and had suncream on it seems I must have missed behind the ears, not too burnt, just a little red.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Frozen spuds

It's nearly the middle of May and the last thing I expected in central London was a frost. As you can see above my potatoes seem to have caught the worst of it, most of them now have black and shrivelled leaves.
Everything else seems to have escaped, the broad beans black and white flowers are now open on a few plants and the radishes are getting bigger every day. Despite the unseasonal cold it's actually been rather dry over the last week so I watered and weeded a bit as well this evening. In the greenhouse all was well, all the top layer seedling are doing very well but the lower level not quite as good, I think it lacks both light and heat on the bottom shelf. I've moved the kobocha pots up to the top as their is no sign of them germinating yet.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

First harvest

The months of hard work have finally paid off with not one, but two lovely radishes! In fact I ate a few, some with the mud still on them. What I was really doing was thinning out my radish row, I couldn't resist eating a few of the larger ones and took the couple seen here home, after trying one Paul said it was the most succulent radish he'd eaten all year, they're actually quite peppery.
The weeds are running riot over the plot and I spent most time hoeing and pulling them up, it is quite satisfying to clear a patch of weeds but I know they'll soon spring up again before I next visit. While weeding I found about a half dozen more potato plants that have sprung up, they seem to be in quite random positions, they're mostly still rather small and I have just left them to be for now.
The broad beans seem to have done quite well over the last week, they're about 25-30cm tall now and are just beginning to produce buds, my neighbours beans which are in flower are almost twice the height but seem to be a different variety to mine, and they had planted theirs in the autumn.
During the week I made it down to the plot one evening and devised  a way to secure the shed roof a bit better. There were holes in the roof so I wound some wire through them and bought it back down the inside wall and attached it to the frame in three places, I hope this will help.
Inside the greenhouse germination has begun. In the picture below the two trays at the top back have courgettes in them, the front left are savoy cabbages and the right are runner beans, on the lower level there are some french beans that have also sprouted.

Monday, 3 May 2010

Wet & windy

A rare sunny spell on Bank Holiday Monday as it has mostly been showers and quite a stiff breeze. I'm slightly concerned about the shed, it creaks a lot when the wind blows and the roof moves quite a bit I'm going to have to look at how it's fixed on and perhaps improve it. This was just a gusty day in spring, I'm sure a winter storm would send the roof flying.
Between showers I did a bit of planting. I bought some kobocha seeds online, a type of hybrid winter squash, I planted them in 3 inch pots and put them in the greenhouse. It really is warmer in there and some of the seeds I planted last week were beginning to stir which is remarkable. I also bought some asparagus and globe artichoke seeds online, I planted the artichoke seeds direct into the ground near the top of the plot on what was the old path, the ground isn't the best here but lets see what happens. The asparagus I'll be planting later in the month but this is a bit of a long term plan as it'll be a couple of years before I get to eat any!
I've given up on the early carrots I planted so I've sown a new row and hope that now it's warmer they'll do better, I also put in a row of turnips.
Here are the broad beans (and a few weeds).