Sunday, 11 April 2010

One foot extra

I didn't take a 'before' picture, but the daffodils were the top boundary to the plot and then it was rough grass, to align my plot with it's neighbours I had an extra foot of space to clear beside the path. In the warm afternoon sunshine I started to dig out the turf, it's very hard work and clearing that strip took almost two hours! I found lots of stones as I dug, I guess they had been thrown to the top of the plot by endless other growers on this site, I'm sure time team would have had a field day with all the crockery and bits of pot and so on, undoubtedly someone very high status must have once live here. I think I'll use this space to plant some herbs like rosemary, sage and lavender.
In other plot news the weeds are coming on fine, and so I had to pull quite a few out. As for the vegetables the broad beans continue growing, although a few have been nibbled. I can see the first growth of some of the potatoes, some of the onion sets are beginning to show and the radishes are still a tiny but perfect row of seedlings.

1 comment:

  1. ...and someone with very high status has taken the land over again...
