Monday, 24 September 2012

Fuzzy friend

This splendid fellow was happily munching on the raspberry canes at the end of the plot. By the power of Google I think it might be a Knot Grass moth, I'll have to see if Paul knows.
Mostly I spent my time weeding and tidying up, there were a few beans to pick and a few courgettes but the cooler nights have stopped them and it feels very autumnal already.

Saturday was sunny if not so warm but much better than Sunday where it rained all day so I stayed at home. The autumn light was nice I've a few raspberries coming which I eat with my muesli in the morning.
The cobnut squash are doing well, I'll probably get about a dozen of them if I'm lucky. The parsnips seem quite happy but the cabbages and broccoli are rather small still.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

What a whopper!

Not a courgette for once (more about them later) but a massive cucumber! In fact I picked a couple although the other was much smaller and somewhat curved in shape.

Here it is along side a reasonable crop of tomatoes. A few tomatoes had succumbed to blight but the warm weekend weather has helped ripen the others.

A close up of my toms. They're good but perhaps could have done with an over all much warmer summer to get a really good flavour.

They look nice ripening on the vine. The plot is very over grown at the moment but there isn't really any point in clearing it until we've had a few cool nights and plants have begun to fail otherwise the weeds will just take over again.

The cobnut squash have really stretched out, covering perhaps a quarter of the whole plot. There must be about eight squash I've seen ripening, I'll leave these on the plants until they begin to die back.

Still a few more french beans going, once they got into gear they've done quite well over the summer.

This is the kind of courgette harvest you get if you leave them a week! At least five of those are marrow sized and I'll probably neither eat them nor be able to give them away. Remember less plants next year!