The beans are now towering over the garlic, the wet week has seen everything grow including the weeds. I also spotted my first blackfly, it'll be time to pinch out the bean tops soon.
The main crop potatoes are all beginning to show through although there's nothing from the earlies yet. Also a few rouge potatoes I must have left in the ground have begun to grow at various places around the plot.
Still tiny but the beetroot have begun to form their first true leaves now.
Still only about a half dozen pea plants have come through, what's happened to the rest? I might have to put some extra plants in but it wasn't possible in the soaked conditions today.
I'm so glad I planted some other things up earlier, artichokes and nasturtiums have now come through.
The yellow beans are just breaking through as well. I had hoped to put a trellis up for the french beans today but it was too wet to walk on the soil.
Ever faithful courgettes have all germinated. My neighbour said he'd give me some plants as well, I already have six plants so perhaps we're heading for a glut again?
And I also have some patty pan squash. The cobnut and kobacha squash haven't come through yet, too cold I reckon.
The green french beans are doing okay, I hope to get these guys in the soil before the end of May.
Along with the weeds there are some pretty wild flowers that have come through.
And in the hedgerow there are bluebells.
And purple bluebells!
I was keen to see the damage done with all the storms and hail this week. although a few broad beans had flopped over they had in general benefited from all the rain. They're taller than the garlic now.
Elsewhere the french beans are coming along nicely, only about half have germinated so far.
A couple of the patty pan squash have also germinated, it's great when these things start to grow.
Not all good news though, both sunflower seeds have germinated but been attacked by snails, despite all the slug pellets I've sprinkled around the greenhouse.
Outside the peas are just beginning to show, I've covered them with a net before the birds spot them.
Also the beetroot has germinated, there's a fine line of small green leaves were they've come up. I'll wait a while before I thin them out.
The strawberry plants are starting to fill out a bit and are still covered in flowers.
I picked some more rhubarb, my only crop for the moment. They're still a bit on the short side but I can't wait for them to grow any bigger.
The glossy red stalks look amazing in the sunlight.
The second broad beans have also benefited from all the rain, I'm sure they'll catch the first ones up shortly. Nothing new planted today but I might get a chance to put a few things in on Sunday if the weather holds.
It's been much slower this year. Although it was warm in March I think it's been cooler since and although we had a few downpours we haven't really had all that much rain here in Fulham.
The first stirring from the french beans planted two weeks ago, just a couple of them pushing through. Nothing else in the greenhouse has made a move yet, I think it's been too cold for them.
The very first evidence of potatoes, just one plant has become visible so far. I did some more planting up today, some purple french beans and some kobacha seeds. The greenhouses are quite full up now!
A lot of strawberry flowers and the raspberry canes seem to keep popping up all over the place.
My first rhubarb this season. Not the longest stalks but I decided to pick some anyway because there's so much of it.
The red green pattern of the stalks never ceases to amaze me, let's hope they taste as good as they look.
The noise of helicopters, pa systems and even a blimp must mean it's the boat race again. My garlic is looking good, I watered it yesterday which I think it appreciated.
First beans are getting ever bigger. Not much actually happening on the plot right now, mostly I'm planting things up for later.
The second beans are catching up. I planted up some yellow french beans in the green house, but they won't be planted out until much later.
Rhubarb row is filling out but I not big enough to pick any yet. Undercover I also planted up some leeks from a free packet of seeds I got last year, I wonder if they'll germinate?
The stalks look good and pink but they need to get a bit longer before I pick them. I've also planted up a few new globe artichoke plants.
The strawberries are still in flower but no evidence of fruit forming as of yet. I planted a couple of sunflower seeds and some nasturtiums to put out later in the spring.
So lots planted up in the two greenhouses but nothing to eat at the moment! This time last year my peas were already sprouting and I had picked my first rhubarb. although we've had the sunshine I guess it's been generally to dry and perhaps a bit cold so far in April this year.
I heard the live commentary on the boat race and sounded rather exciting what with swimmers and broken oars, Cambridge came home first in an event filled race.