Although I went to the plot on Saturday I've only just had the time to put a post up. It was lovely, sunny and warm, nice to be outside but I was in a bit of a rush.
There hasn't been a proper frost yet and so the nasturtiums are still going strong. The dew hadn't yet burnt off the leaves at almost midday. I love they way the leaves turn blueish and the flowers much paler this late in the year.
Here's the double row of broad beans and you can see the garlic to the left of the picture, they're enjoying the mild november we've had so far.
A good four leaves on this bean plant, I think they've grown quicker than last year when it got very cold with snow by the end of the month.
This is a second cabbage, although they're beginning to ball up they still very small really. I picked a first cabbage which means there are now only three left to go.
Despite not having had a frost I wanted to see how the parsnips were doing. Very well as you can see, we ate these last night for dinner and they were very tasty too.
The beans I planted a couple of weeks ago have already popped up. It's always exciting when something new begins to grow. I planted two rows of broad beans, one Aqua Dulce and the other Masterpiece Longpod. They have just about all sprouted, I think the Masterpiece have the edge on the Aqua Dulce for the moment. I grew Masterpiece last year and they did very well, they're not supposed to be an autumn planting bean. The Aqua Dulce is a traditional autumn planting bean so it will be really good to compare their growth rates and yields.
The garlic I put in the ground has also begun to sprout, it doesn't look much right now but I'm glad it's got going before the cold sets in. I do keep finding other garlic left over from last season that has begun to sprout as well but if it's in the wrong place I have to pull it up.
The final raspberries, I know they are the last because I had a big tidy up at the top of the plot and cut the canes back down ready for next year. It's all much smarter now. I had a look at the parsnips today, I think they're ready to pull, I didn't pick any this week because we bought some.
Hollyhocks in flower isn't what you expect for the 5th of November, but that's what I've got and the nasturtiums are still going strong as well. There isn't really all that much else going on. I have parsnips but won't pick any until after the first frost and I also have cabbages and the purple sprouting broccoli.
Just picked cabbage, the excess leaves go on the compost heap and it's getting a bit whiffy. The ground is quite damp so that was my excuse for not sorting out the rest of the strawberry bed. It seems the raspberries have finally stopped fruiting now. The rhubarb has died back but the artichokes look stronger than ever at the moment, both will need covering when the weather gets colder.